Keep your succulent plants safe for the winter

This e-book is the complete Winterizing Succulents e-Course, in a downloadable pdf format – keep it on your hard drive so you don’t lose it.

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Winterizing Succulents e-Book

Every chapter goes into detail on the ways to keep your succulents happy, from choosing the right soil and keeping them free from bugs, to what to do in the spring when warm weather finally arrives.

This e-book is one that doesn’t only give you information on winter care, but all year. You’ll go back to it constantly, to refer to important information for success with succulents.

Keep it on your device to have it handy for reference – please note, it’s copyrighted.

Pay with the Paypal button, where you can choose to use your Paypal account, or any credit card. Your price is $9.99 USD for this exclusive download;

Important Note!

After you make your payment, you’ll be redirected from Paypal to the download – make sure you wait to be redirected so you can download it to your device.

If you don’t wait, and you can’t find your e-book, don’t make a complaint to Paypal. Contact me immediately.