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by Sally


My collection of leaf cuttings

I’m addicted cutting pieces off plants, smuggling them home, and making them grow. I love the feeling of tugging on the plant in a week or two, and finding it resistant to being pulled out – this means it’s got roots!

The best ever feeling is seeing tiny little plants emerging from the ends of leaves.

My biggest problem now is that I’m running out of victims! All my friends hide their plants when they know I’m coming over, and if someone I just met tells me they have plants, I beg them to tell me what kinds, and if I don’t have them, I want to immediately go over to their house and take cuttings.

Help! Is this an obsession? Is it dangerous?

Comments for Vegetative Propagation in Plants

Not Dangerous!
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I’ve been thoroughly addicted to propagating plants for years, and it hasn’t hurt me any!

I think it’s a perfectly acceptable thing to take up time with (and way more constructive than a lot of other things). I love to grow plants, and taking cuttings to make more of them is my passion.