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by Naomi
(Kundle Kundle NSW Australia)


Tuber with Camouflage Leaves

Tubers above ground. Each appears to have two leaves coming from the tuber. grey green and dark green dappled camouflage leaves. Leaves purplish red underneath. Description on tag was “Succulent – Assorted”

I love this little plant – they are amazingly tough and drought tolerant. They’re one of those that have undergone several name changes, so you’ll find them under the common name of Leopard Squill, or known botanically as Ledebouria socialis (I’m guessing because they like to grow in a clump – hence, sociable!) and also known as Scilla violacea, which is its old name from 30 years ago.

They have funny little sprays of flowers when completely happy, so that’s something to look forward to.

Happy Succulent Gardening!

You can see this little plant in a mixed planter here.