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Vincent Van Gogh

Snappy enough for you?

OK here is your buddy Frankie chocolate. And that’s a pretty snappy name too.

I have a question for you O great master of the garden and sage of the sawgrass.

I want to paint some vanishing pictures in the Parkway around my house. I want to use Siberian squall and other little Bulbs to create Van Gogh’s starry night.

I need to get an idea what bulbs will all Bloom at the same time period that time being when the Siberian squill blooms. So the flowers will come up in the Spring you’ll see the beautiful painting in the lawn and then after a few weeks it all vanishes back into the lawn until next year.

This is my project and I’d like your opinion about what little flowers could go in there and then vanish till next year. Your pal Frankie

Comments for The quest for the mysterious vanishing paintings.

Aug 13, 2018

More Spring Bulbs
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I love this idea! I would love to see pictures when you get it to fruition.

So here’s a few more that bloom around the same time; Chionodoxa luciliae (white or pale blue) – also called Glory of the Snow.

Crocus (Yellow, purple or white)

Miniature daffodils (Tete a Tete is small, and there are other small varieties too)

Miniature tulips (Tulipa turkestanica is only a few inches tall, yellow flowers, another similar one is Tulipa tarda, also known as T. urumiensis).

Having them all bloom at the same time will be hard to do, as all of them depend on certain conditions at precise times of the year to produce blooms. It will definitely take a bit of juggling.

Good luck with your project!