Frost Free Stonecrop

Sedum runs the spectrum from tropical locales that never see winter, to freezing winter climates with ease.


But they’re not all created equal.

Some Sedum can cover both types of climate, and grow just as well in warmer areas than in cold winter places, but there are a lot that only like to be a houseplant if you’re in the cold.

The Sedum on this page all do best with winter cold – in fact, they prefer it. Don’t try to grow these ones indoors, they will get bugs, shrivel up or just sulk.

Recommended Tender Sedum

The Tender Sedum here are perfect for growing in summer containers out on the deck for the season and then brought inside to live in a bright window for the winter if the temperatures go below freezing.

In areas that don’t get frost all year, leave them to thrive in a bright area outside.


Sedum morganianum is the Burros Tail Stonecrop – there is also a miniature, more compact type that goes by the name Burrito.

These guys like bright light, and the ‘tails’ will grow to three or four feet, if you let them.

Keep in mind that the fat little leaves fall off at the slightest movement, so display it where it won’t get traffic. All those leaves will create another plant!


Sedum nussbaunianum ‘Coppertone’ is often seen as a container plant in full sun, where it shows its distinctive tan. If they don’t get enough light, they fade to a dull green.

The flowers, borne in a cluster, are creamy white, what a contrast!


Sedum rubrotinctum is called the Jelly Bean plant or Pork and Beans, which they look like when they’re grown in the right kind of light – full sun.

The shades of orange and red tones make an incredibly lovely sight in a mixed planter.

When they don’t get as much sun, they are green, sometimes with pink tips on the leaves.

How Do You Grow Tender Sedum?

The biggest and most crucial factor is the light with these plants – it’s got to be bright!

They require little else to show their attributes off. The best soil is gritty and well drained, no waterlogging allowed!

Prune the longer stems off, and propagate them to keep a continuous supply of happy, healthy new plants to use (or give away).

I usually gather a bunch of three to five stems and insert them into the center of a small pot or cell pack.

These make beautiful little plants, once they get established.

Find out more about Sedum below…

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