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Hello. I woke up this morning and my succulent seedlings (all effected are in the same trays) are covered in splotches and tiny indents. There aren’t any insects. I live on the east coast but my nursery is indoors and I use grow lights as well as insect control granules. I know this happened in the last 2-3 days because I just watered these trays 3 days ago and they were perfectly healthy. Please help!

Comments for Succulent problem

Sep 19, 2022

by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I don’t recall anything about this kind of damage in my years of growing plants.

It is possibly the result of cooler temperatures at some point, which can cause mottling similar to this. What is the temperature under your lights, and could it possibly have changed recently? We are going into fall now, so if they got cooler they could show their displeasure this way.

Other than that, the water you use to irrigate them could have been cold or have minerals in it – if you spray the foliage, this might be the result.

Try to pin it down so it doesn’t happen again.