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by Jay Farrugia
(Sydney Australia)


I noticed a strange growth on one of the leaves on my spider plant. I have never seen anything like this on any plant. It’s very uniformed, and very deleciate. What is it???

Comments for Starnge things growing on my spider plant!

Sep 14, 2021

You’re in Luck!
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

Those are most likely some kind of insect eggs – the Green Lacewing to be more specific. If they are, look around for some aphids on your plants. Mama Lacewing always gives her children the best chance to survive, so lunch will be close by.

They lay their eggs in this manner because baby lacewings are ferocious, and hungry, so the first ones to hatch could be hungry enough to eat their siblings if they weren’t up out of reach.

You have the perfect opportunity to see nature close up. Enjoy!

More here on What’s That Bug.