book3 600x120 6

by Jesse
(South Carolina)


Large, waxy leaves near base of stalk. No sharp points on the leaves, instead are rounded. Stalk stems into smaller stalks holding reddish-pink flowers/buds.

Can anyone identify this?

Comments for Some say Christmas Cactus, but I’m not convinced…

Apr 07, 2015

You’re right!
by: Jacki

That’s not ‘Christmas Cactus’ which is typically what Schlumbergera and a few other species are referred to. That’s the problem with common names, because they often get stuck to other plants as well.

This plant is actually Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, and it’s often given as a seasonal gift or bought to display around Christmas because there are very few other plants that bloom at that time (other than Poinsettia).

You can see more on the Kalanchoe species page – scroll through the entries at the bottom of the page.

Apr 07, 2015

Thanks so much!
by: Anonymous

Dec 29, 2018

Pet friendly?
by: Jess lynch

I got one of these for Christmas are they let friendly, my cat was eating it

Dec 29, 2018

Note to Jess
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I don’t recommend letting your cat eat any succulent, or any other house plant.

There’s more on poisonous succulents and more on which are safe.