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by Cathy
(Amarillo, TX)


So I’m schlepping through Walmart minding my own business when I spot this forlorn little plant all by itself.

It was in a decorative galvanized tin “pail” with about 2″ of soil and 3″ of standing water. Of course I grabbed it up! Now it’s in a terra cotta pot with DRY cactus soil.

Now I want to ID it. But I can’t see an exact plant like it. Maybe a graptopetalum, or echeveria? I need to name my little orphan!

Comments for Rescue project

Aug 31, 2017

by: Jacki

I’m pretty sure this is an x Pachyveria, a cross between Pachyphytum and Echeveria.

They are variable between the two, and lots of times the leaves show a lot of interesting watermarks, which are from the Pachyphytum side, and the rosette type growth from the Echeveria.

In fact, it looks a lot like this one, or something similar.

More on x Pachyveria here.

Aug 31, 2017

I think you’ve got it
by: Cathy

My plant has less purple color and is more “stemmy” but I bet that’s because it hasn’t had any decent light. If the rescue is successful, I’ll post a follow-up photo in a few months. Thanks!