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by Pamela

reminds me of hens and chicks
thumb reminds me of hens and chicks
thumb_reminds me of hens and chicks

Bluish plant with small pink flowers. I hope I attached this picture correctly.

Hi Pamela, your pictures came through perfectly! This is a plant that is referred to as hens and chicks, but just adds to the confusion. Echeveria are tender succulents that can’t take any frost, and the plant usually referred to as hens and chicks is the extremely hardy Sempervivum. Don’t confuse the two!

This appears to be one of the lovely Echeveria hybrids that have come out of several great hybridizing nurseries in California over the past few decades. Sorry, I can’t pin down exactly which one, but you can see more pictures on this site: Echeverias in Oz.

Find out more about how to grow Echeveria here.

Happy Succulent Growing!