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by Lee Pennington
(Orlando, FL, US)


purplish jagged edges and the succulent grows as a bush

This pretty plant is also one of the many Kalanchoe species that are popular for their drought tolerance, ease of growth, and their beauty.

Like all members of the tribe, this one is poisonous, but because of the texture of the leaves, seems to be much less appealing to pets.

This one seems to be the species Kalanchoe fedschtenkoi, or Lavender Scallops which describes it pretty much perfectly.

You can see more about that plant here on Dave’s Garden Website. From the pictures there, it’s another one with fantastic flowers, so that’s certainly something to look forward to.

Sorry I can’t give you any first hand information, because I’ve never grown this one.

Happy Gardening!

Comments for purpleish succulent

Jul 17, 2020

Lavender scallops
by: Jherika

Hey I live in Florida, too! These babies LOVE the sun. Full sun every day and water once a week.

When they’re happy enough, they’ll produce babies from their roots and if you’re really lucky, you’ll get leaf babies too, just like the “mother” varieties!

They are a leggy, bushy succulent so make sure they’re in a big pot or they might wind up growing out of the pot into the surrounding area.

Twice a year I get a nice talk stalk of beautiful upside down red bell flowers. They’re one of the easiest succulents I’ve ever cared for