
by Beth Moore
(Del Mar, California USA)


Brain – like growth on leaves

Comments for Purple succulent

Aug 21, 2017

Oooh Gorgeous!
by: Jacki

This is a carunculated Echeveria. They are derived from plants developed by Dick Wright, a well known hybridizer in California.

Some of them go by the names of volcanos, ‘Etna’ and ‘Barbillion’ are two gorgeous varieties. This carunculation is heavier in some varieties. The one I’ve grown is called ‘Paul Bunyan’ which you can see more about here; Echeveria ‘Paul Bunyan’.

Often, these plants form a solitary rosette, not usually a colony. In time, it will look like a palm tree with a tall stem, and a rosette on top. Behead it when it gets to this stage, and restart it.

See more about how to grow Echeveria.

By the way, California has the best climate for growing these incredible plants!