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My 5 year old crabapple tree is not blooming on most branches – only a couple still get leaves. It was like this now for 2 seasons. The bark looks like it has been damaged maybe from our harsh winters and wind. It is planted in our landscaping near the house. We are in zone 4 Minneapolis MN. Should I try taping the trunk or is there anything else to try?

Comments for Problem crabapple tree

Sep 30, 2019

Too late
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

Unfortunately, the fact that these branches don’t get leaves means that they’re already dead. If the tree was getting reflected light from the house, or it’s not hardy in your zone, this means it’s too late to tape the trunk, paint it, or anything else.

Cut your losses, get a new tree and don’t waste any more effort on this one. Sorry to be harsh, but dead is not recoverable.

I suggest doing more research on root stocks and varieties that are hardy in your area.