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by Jessica
(Madera, CA)


Palo Verde


I just bought a home in Central California, Hardiness Zone 9, and I am planning the landscaping for my small yard. There is not a lot of room to work with only 10′ between my covered patio and back fence, but I love the Desert Museum Palo Verde. Is it possible to grow this tree in a pot or large container or does it need to be planted to survive?

Thank you!

Comments for Potted Museum Palo Verde?

Jul 15, 2022

by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I can see why you would want to grow this plant in a tub, but realistically, it would be much happier planted in the ground.

I have no idea how well it would take to being root pruned, which is what you would have to do every year to fit it into a container.

This particular variety is called ‘fast growing’ by Monrovia. It is often grown as a shade tree, which if you grow it in a pot, it will never reach the kind of size to cast shade. The size of it unrestrained will be up to 25′ tall by the same wide, so no way it will fit in your 10′ space.

There are many other ornamental trees that would fit that space, which is preferable to cramming an oversized plant into a small area. No-one will be happy with it.