book3 600x120 6

by Camellia
(Houston, Tx USA)

Echeveria figured
Echeveria figured least
Echeveria figured least tell

But I figured you could at least tell me more about what this could be. I picked this up at a flower shop here in Houston, Tx over the weekend because I thought it looked pretty and now I’m wondering what exactly it is.

It was the only one of it’s kind there and was on a table with other cacti and succulents. The info card just says succulents. If you could help me out, that would be wonderful!


Drought Smart Plants reply:

Hi Camellia, quite often you’ll find beautiful gems in amongst the other succulents. I believe what you have is Aeonium, not 100% sure of the species or variety, but possibly Aeonium tabulaeforme. See the page on Aeonium for more on the different kinds. See also the page on Succulent Care for information on their growing preferences.
Daves Garden has more information here.

Good luck with your gorgeous plant – it could be the start of a long and enjoyable hobby.


Comments for I’m not sure if this is Echeveria

Dec 12, 2022
by: Succlvr22

The name of this Aeonium I believe is called Lily Pad Aeonium. I have one very similar to it though smaller, and that’s its name.