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I have a succulent that I cannot identify. My wife received this as a gift and she loves the thing but has no idea what it is. She had to re-pot the thing because it outgrew its tiny original pot, then half of it died, but this half has rebounded and is growing. Could you identify it?

Comments for I have a succulent that I cannot identify

May 19, 2020

Looks like…
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

It needs more light. This is most likely some kind of Sedum/Sedeveria – sorry, that’s about as close as I can get with the pictures and the shape the plant is in. These guys need lots of light, not just day length, but intensity too.

The intergeneric hybrids (hybrids of two different genera, like Sedum x Echeveria or Echeveria x Pachyphytum) are notoriously difficult to identify, because they all look very similar. Fortunately, they are pretty easy to care for, needing only lots of light, good air circulation, well drained soil and otherwise, benign neglect.

More on succulent plant care here.