
by Christopher Struett
(San Francisco, CA, USA)




The flower is about 2 inches in diameter.

Drought Smart Plants reply: Hi Christopher,
That is an amazing flower! It looks like you have a Stapelia, known as the carrion flower, for it’s deathlike scent, meant to attract the flies to pollinate it.

See more about them here: Stapelia. Other related plants such as Huernia and Orbea are also known as Carrion Plant, for the same distinctive odour.

Happy Succulent Gardening!

Comments for Houseplant with Quite Unusual Flowers.

Jan 26, 2014
How to propogate from seeds
by: Justin Strange

I have a variety of one these plants and after approx. 18 months of the seed pod developing and opening I have a bunch of seeds that I would like to try growing, any information on the how to?

Buy the Succulent Plant Propagation E-Book:

Learn how to grow your own succulents from seed:

Nov 27, 2010
Orbea variegata
by: Chris Struett

Thanks, Jacki!
I just found this Stapeliad website
and it looks to me like an Orbea variegata. Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.