
by Lynn


My hairy opuntia is wilting and I don’t know why. It gets lots of sunlight and little water. Will it recover or should I cut off the wilty parts?

Comments for Help! It’s wilting.

Oct 06, 2019
Lots of light?
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

What does ‘lots of light and little water’ mean exactly? A lot of light to you may not be enough for a plant that requires eight to ten hours of brilliant sunlight. Little water to you could be a cup a day, which would be way too much for a plant that can survive and thrive with one rainfall event every two years.

I might not cut off any parts, and just monitor the situation. From the picture, there are longish tendrilly bits that seem to be bending over, but no clue if that’s normal or something to be concerned about.

Sorry if this is not helpful, but I just don’t have enough information, both about your plant in particular, and the genus and species in general.