book1 600x120 8

by melissa




Approximately 3 inch, 4 plants altogether. It has a “bubbly” texture with tan circles at the top of each “bubble”.

The actual plant itself is dark green with round, flat arms branching off of it. The entire plant is flat but with a round outline.

I want to find out what type of succulent it is so I can know how to properly care for it. The plants are all leaning and look like they’re about to fall over.

The clerk who sold it did not know what type of plant it was either. If you know what type of plant it might be that would help me greatly.

Comments for Dark green, flat, roundish shaped with tan coloured spots. Bumpy texture.

Mar 05, 2015
Monadenium, aka Euphorbia
by: Jacki

This resembles the pictures here and appears to be either this species or a very similar one.

You’ll know when it flowers as these are very distinctive, as are the new leaves that it will produce when it has the right conditions.

It really irks me when innocent new succulent growers are sold these kinds of plants with no warning at all about the dangers of Euphorbia. These are not plants to fool around with, as the sap is extremely poisonous and caustic.

Please handle with care and keep pets and small children away from it.