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by Sari
(Saskatoon, SK, Canada)

conical green plant with mult small chubby leaves 21797959

thumb conical green plant with mult small chubby leaves 21797959
thumb conical green plant with mult small chubby leaves 21797960

Hi there! GREAT site!!

I’m having a hard time identifying this plant – spent all afternoon browsing sites and i’m still empty-handed. I picked it up at a succulent/cactus nursery and it didn’t come with an ID.

I had a list of plants I couldn’t identify and this is the last one that’s stumping me (your site has been a GREAT help in IDing some of them!).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Comments for Conical green plant with mult. small chubby leaves?

Nov 16, 2014

Glad to help…
by: Jacki

But this one is baffling me! I don’t recognize this from my travels around the internet. Hopefully someone will know the plant and leave a comment for you – stay tuned!

Dec 02, 2014

Found it!
by: Jacki

I knew that I would come across this little guy; you can see it in this pin on Pinterest; Pepperomia columella