book2 600x120 2

by Suvi
(Richmond, va)

can you help identify this succulent 21812243

thumb can you help identify this succulent 21812243
thumb can you help identify this succulent 21812244

thumb can you help identify this succulent 21812245

I am not sure what type of succulent this is.

It has flat round leaves growing close together at the base and a long thin stem with small clusters of ‘berry-like’ growths at the top.

No visible flowers.

Comments for Can you help identify this succulent?

Mar 29, 2015

by: Suvi

Thanks for giving me a name Jacki. At least I can look it up and care for it properly now. It should be pretty cool to see it flower!

Mar 22, 2015

No Visible Flowers?
by: Jacki

News Flash; that long stem with the balls on top is a flower stalk. They just haven’t opened yet. When they do they’ll most likely be pale pink.

How do I know that? Because this is Crassula multicava – more on it here where there is also a link to Daves Garden Website with detailed information on this plant.