book4 600x120 3

by Amjad
(Amman,Jordan )

beheading 21714000

Hello Jacki
is it about time to behead this old Kalanchoe orgyalis; is it even doable? Process advice please,

That poor thing! Yes, by all means, just cut it off right under the few remaining leaves.

Use a sharp razor blade, not scissors which can crush and damage the stem which might allow it to start rotting.

Stick the cutting/top on the surface of DRY potting soil (use very well drained soil, with some added perlite/gravel/pumice) and then leave it for a week or so.

Resist the urge to water it, because it needs to callous and dry out so it won’t rot.

That’s it. In a few weeks, it will be rooting, and then soon after that it will put out new growth.

Then you can start to water it, gradually at first, then a bit more as the summer progresses.

The important thing is that it doesn’t get overwatered – it’s best to water deeply, then let it almost completely dry out.

This will encourage the roots to follow the water down into the soil.

You also don’t need a huge pot – they prefer to have a pot just big enough to keep them balanced, and then the roots bump up against the inside of the pot, and split; these are the feeder roots, and the more the plant has, the happier and healthier it will be.

Rough surfaces promote this, so a terracotta pot or unglazed pottery work well.

Hope that helps!