Xeria e-Zine

September 15, 2021

Xeria e-Zine is where we can explore all about succulents and gardening with less water. Sometimes it will be all about other drought tolerant plants, crafts, or projects.

Did you grow geraniums (Pelargonium species) this summer? They are one of the most popular of all annual plants for deck planters and hanging baskets. Except they’re not actually an annual plant (meaning growing from seed to seed in one season). They are perennial in their native land, but we treat them as an annual. But they can be overwintered! Don’t give up on them and toss them on the compost pile. Learn how to keep them in a cool place for the winter and resurrect them in time for spring;

Overwintering Geraniums


Up until recently it was possible to sign up for the e-course on winterizing succulent plants, but now you can purchase the whole thing in e-book format. Keep it on your device and refer to it often;

winterizing succulents e-book


If you’ve had some issues with succulents this year, you’re not alone. There are some years when all you see is slugs or snails, others are in the cycle for certain other bugs, like grasshoppers. What was your worst problem?

Succulent problems


I hope you’ve enjoyed the new format of Xeria e-Zine! Any questions or suggestions are welcome.

Happy Gardening,

Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist, Webmaster and Artisan

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding Xeria – please contact me directly – I would love to hear from you!

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