Xeria e-Zine

December 01, 2021

My grandparents were all gardeners, on both sides of the family. Obviously, from this picture, also twig artisans who worked with natural materials. I came by it honestly!

This time of the year, I reflect on what happened, and what could be done better. The year past is done, but the next one is on the horizon. Do you have regrets? Or do you learn from your mistakes and hope to do better?

a year in the garden

As a horticulturist, I grow plants that aren’t meant to be in my climate, and try to figure out what makes them tick.

One of the most important things to remember is that the roots of a plant are less hardy than the upper growth of that plant. So protect the roots! Use mulch, make sure they have good drainage, especially in winter, and think about the soil conditions where you want to plant them.

I have accumulated lots of quotes about gardening and plants. Do you have any to add?

garden quotes

Visit The Hot Stuff Blog for all the latest in newly published (or re-published) pages.

succulents blog

I hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of Xeria e-Zine! Any questions or suggestions are welcome. Don’t forget, the Horticulturist is always in.

Happy Gardening,

Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist, Webmaster and Artisan

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding Xeria – please contact me directly – I would love to hear from you!

If you want to see every page on my site, go to the smart-plantscom.bigscoots-staging site map, and all interesting pages are listed with a link to each one. Bookmark that page and navigate the site with ease, or use the handy search bars on most pages.

Look me up on Facebook – see you there!