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by Faith Martin
(Willow Street, PA USA)


Mystery plant!

This green plant has long, thin stems with flat, smooth-edged leaves attached. There appears to be thin, tan stringy hairs coming from the plant, also. We’re trying to identify this plant for an elderly person!

Comments for Unknown (probably) succulent!

Oct 08, 2014

Ric Rac Plant
by: Jacki

If you’ve ever done any sewing, you will recognize where this name comes from, because it looks just like the trim that used to be popular in Home Economics projects!

The real name for this plant is Cryptocereus anthonyanus, and it’s similar in its requirements to many other epiphytes, or plants that originate high in tree tops. That would explain the aerial roots, which would anchor it to the top of the branch. You can see more about these plants here; Ric Rac Cactus.

Oct 08, 2014

by: Fait Martin

That was fun to find out so quickly about the former Unknown (probably) succulent! Thanks for identifying the Richard Rac Plant!

Oct 08, 2014

Any time…
by: Jacki

You’re totally welcome! I think it’s such a neat plant.