book3 600x120 7

by Judy Wall
(Perth, Ont. Canada)


unknown name

2″ height, 4″ spread several pointy clusters bought 1 yr ago

Comments for soft pointy tender succulent

Mar 11, 2015

by: Jacki

This looks like nothing other than a really stretching Sempervivum.

If it is hens and chicks and you’ve kept it inside all winter, this would explain its appearance.

Read up on Sempervivum here and see if it looks anything like one of those when you bought it.

You have to almost torture the staff at some of these garden centers to find out if the succulents you buy are hardy or tender, if they even know.

There is a world of difference between their requirements for them to be successful.

Tender ones have to be brought indoors and given specific care, as you can learn in the Winterizing Succulents E-Course, while hardy succulents MUST be given an outside dormancy to even survive.

If this little guy makes it till spring, you may have better success with getting it adjusted to the great outdoors, and leave it there for the cold. Don’t put it outside right now, until spring really arrives!

Mar 31, 2019

South African Hawthoria
by: Lea Smith

I have the same plant but it still has the pick in it & it is listed as a South African Hawthoria Succulent.

Mar 31, 2019

No Such Plant
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

As far as I know, there is no such plant as Hawthoria. Haworthia, maybe?

I don’t know if your plant is the same as the OP, Lea. There are many that look very similar, but as Sempervivum are hardy, they won’t appreciate the same care as a Haworthia.