book3 600x120 7

by Dennis Stanworth
(Emeryville, CA)


Cant for the life of me figure this one out, looks small, dwarf I would call it.
The heads are as big as a dime. Pretty easy to grow.

Comments for looks kinda like a dwarf Burros Tail, very small

Oct 06, 2014
You’re close!
by: Jacki

This is a related plant to Sedum morganianum, the burros tail, and it’s got a similar name too – Sedum x ‘Burrito’, or sometimes listed as a species, Sedum burrito. It’s thought that it is probably a seed grown sport of Sedum morganianum, the Donkey tail or burros tail, as there is no evidence of it growing wild.

The care is the same as for most other similar stonecrops – warm but not hot temperatures, allow to dry out before watering again.

In these two Sedum, the leaves tend to drop off easily, but they will root and form new plants.

Astonishingly, these plants do bloom – each end of a tentacle will open into beautiful pinky red flowers, but the plant has to be fairly old to start flowering.

This page has more about these very cool plants.

Oct 17, 2021
its actually Sedum dasyphyllum var. mesatlanticum
by: cereusly steve

Not even close Jacki. Its Sedum dasyphyllum var. mesatlanticum.

Oct 17, 2021
Keep it Friendly
by: Jacki

Hey, Steve, I appreciate your input, but please be kind.