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by Eva
(Palatine, IL )


I bought this succulent at Ikea, it only said succulent on the pot.

It is a medium to dark green color. The petals are hard and scaly. It looks like it’s going to flower.

The pictures are of my succulent garden so in particular I am looking to identify the one with the long stalk that appears to be flowering.

This looks like Haworthia limifolia, which has this fairly typical spiral type growth. And, in addition, that is a flower stalk. The blooms will be a cluster of tiny white blooms, usually tinted pink, and with delicate green lines on them; pretty, but not spectacular.

I’ve grown lots of different Haworthia, but unfortunately, not this particular one; there are many different species in the genus, and on the whole they are really easy to grow, play well with others and seem to be hard to kill unless they get too much sun.

You can see more about Haworthia here.

Dave’s Garden Website has this entry in their database; Fairy Washboard

Have fun (and watch for fairies!)

Comments for Ikea Succulent

Jul 05, 2013

Yes it is
by: Jacky Grundling

It is certainly Haworthia limifolia. I do not have one but like to lay my hands on it. I have quite a few Haworthias