
by Twyla
(Washington State)

Peperomia plant
Peperomia plant

It’s wide leaves are variegated. They range from whites, to greens, to a soft pink.

The stem of the leaves are more pink than the stem of the plant as a whole. The stems are round and the leaves are semi-glossy.

The only the smaller stem is supporting the weight of the leaves; tho other stems have all flopped over.

It was given to me by my grandma when I moved away for college. She gave it to me in the condition it is now. I’ve kept it alive, but it hasn’t gotten any healthier.

I’m not sure what to do for it. Can you help me bring it back to life; whatever it is?

Hi Twyla, you gotta give these plants credit – they never quit!

There doesn’t seem to be a plant by that name, but here’s what Dave’s Garden Website has to say about Peperomia clusiifolia which looks so similar as to make no difference.

In some cases, succulents in particular get soil sick; this seems to be related to a build up of fertilizer salts in the soil, due to overfertilizing with soluble fertilizer, which builds up because the general recommendation is to not water until the soil is dry. The result for Peperomia is what you see here.

My recommendation is to take the plant right out of the pot, and gently rinse off the soil and replant in fresh soil, and a smaller pot.

The problem with having a pot that is too big is that the roots don’t have the chance to butt up against the sides of the pot, which forces them to start growing.

I also highly recommend using terracotta clay pots, which allow some air exchange for the roots.

Maybe that will shock it out of the doldrums that it’s in.

Once it starts to show signs of recovering, I would take some cuttings from the new growth, because I’ve always had good success with starting new plants rather than having the original plant struggle to adapt to new conditions.

Best of luck with your project!

Comments for I think it’s a Peperomia clusifolia jelly?

Feb 08, 2013
by: Jacki

I found another listing for Jellie which looks to be mostly dark green, so I’m pretty sure the right one is the one above.

Aug 20, 2013
Jelli climbing?
by: winget

My Peperomia Nevada “Jelli” appears to be wanting to “Climb”. Is it a climbing plant?

They aren’t really, but they will clamber up things – generally, this will happen if they don’t have enough light, so they’re stretching to reach for it. Trim it back, and move it so it has brighter light.
