book1 600x120 11
aloe 21808407

I’m trying to figure out what species of aloe this is.

Comments for Aloe?

Feb 14, 2015

Not an Aloe…
by: Jacki

This is an Aloe. Although it has a different appearance to other members of the genus, you can see more about care on this page about Aloe.

As it looks a little pale, although otherwise healthy, you could give it a bit more light, such as from a grow light, but don’t put it in full sunlight as it will burn if it’s not acclimated slowly.

Feb 15, 2015

Perhaps Sempervivum
by: Jacky Grundling

I may be wrong but it looks more like a Sempervivum to me?

Sep 24, 2015

It is an Aloe
by: Stef

Looks to me like an Aloe aristata lacking sunlight.

Oct 03, 2020

Aloe aristata com certeza. Tenho um belo exemplar dessa linda suculenta. Cuidado com excesso de água. A água da chuva é a melhor opção, caso possa ser coletada. Abraço
by: Mônica Testai

Aloe aristata com certeza. Tenho um belo exemplar dessa linda suculenta. Cuidado com excesso de água. A água da chuva é a melhor opção, se puder ser coletada. Grande abraço. Ótimo site. Parabéns