A collection of posts about every season…

Where does the time go?  I’ve been astonished in the past, but now it just seems to go faster and faster.  Is it that I’m getting older?  I’ve been collecting articles about the garden based on the time of year, and here they are.

A Year in the Garden

Each season has something to offer; the excitement of the spring, when it finally arrives, and the bulbs you planted in a fit of enthusiasm and foresight in the fall start to emerge. 

The summer rolls on, with the plants needing care, silly things like water and deadheading, giving way with relief to the fall.

Those cooler nights bring out the color in hardy succulents and there is so much to do to get the garden ready for the next season.

Even winter has some value; that dormant period is essential for the plants to rest.

Spring; the turning of the season into a time of growing…

Summer – warmth and sunshine in abundance…

Gallery in June – what’s the garden looking like now

Solistice Garden Tour

Solstice 2016

Early Morning in the Summer Garden – or, why I’m an early riser.


Fall – slowing down and getting ready…

Winter – the resting

I hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of seasonal posts – every year is different and the garden more so; watching it grow over time is the most exciting thing, and sometimes it sneaks up on you until you come across some pictures in the archives from years before.